The 17 varying regions that makeup Spain contain some of the best driving routes you could imagine. Once you come to the inevitable conclusion that having your own car in Spain is the only way to go, you will look back at the old travel ways as a shrinking fixture in your rear view mirror.
We’ve put together five different drives (some short-some long) to inspire you to leave rigid schedules and fixed itineraries behind:
Madrid to Seville
This driving route is a well-traversed classic drive, perfect for taking in the gorgeous Spanish interior. Along the way to your first stop, Toledo, witness the spectacular 300-mile long legendary Sierra Morena mountain range, the Guadiana River and Spain’s southern plains. Toledo, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is rich in Christian, Jewish and Muslim cultural legacies. From its mountaintop perch, it offers an incredible view of the surrounding area. Next is Guadalupe, gateway to the Las Villuercas massif, then it’s on to Almagro, with its long tradition of the arts. Closer to Seville you enter into the Andalucian region, home to the flamenco dance form, and pass through Cordoba’s Old Town.
Suggested Auto France Location: Madrid
Antequera to Malaga
The untamed, rugged mountains surrounding Ronda present you with one of Andalucía’s most visually stunning experiences. Driving from Antequera to Malaga will have you traversing one of Spain’s greatest mountain roads, marveling along the way at the white rock landscape of El Torcal with its views of the Mediterranean. Though only 32 miles (51.5km) in length, there are many opportunities to stop and breathe in the fresh mountain air, while leaving time for exploring the two locations. Antequera, the heart of Andalucía, is reminiscent of a small French town, and Malaga boasts beautiful beaches and picturesque city streets perfect for strolling.
Suggested Auto France Location: Madrid
Puerto de las Palomas to Zahara de la Sierra
The most impressive Andalucían descent begins at the “Pass of the Doves,” twisting and turning its way down to the ancient Moorish Village of Zahara. The views across the sierras alone make this drive worthwhile. While only 7 miles (11 km) long, it’s advisable to take this very winding and steep road slowly. From the summit you can view the northern provinces of Cadiz and Malaga. In Zahara, one of the most picturesque of Spain’s Pueblos Blancos (white villages), reward yourself with a glass of fine Spanish wine at one of the outdoor cafes in the village centre.
Suggested Auto France Location: Madrid
La Rioja to Castilla y Leon
This 155 miles (250 km) drive, offering up lush green valleys, bare upland vistas, and mountain monasteries, takes you through the kingdom of Castile, where the foundations of modern-day Spain were laid, and home to frontier fortresses and a vast, fertile central plateau. If you drive this route in spring, you’ll be rewarded with a vivid red expanse of poppies across the fields. Home to one of Spain’s great wine producing regions, the region’s capital, Logrono, is known for great tapas, so plan a stop to sample both specialties. Other possible stops include Fromista, Astorga, and Villafranca del Bierzo.
Suggested Auto France Location: Barcelona, Madrid, Vigo
The Rio Jerte
Start this picturesque drive in the Caceres province town of Plasencia and follow N110 towards Barco de Avila. The best time of year for driving this route is early spring, when cherry blossoms carpet the Jerte Valley and remain in bloom for about two weeks (typically from March 20 to April 10 depending on weather conditions). Along the N110 you can visit towns and villages including Navaconcejo, Jerte, and the Port of Tornavacas.
Suggested Auto France Location: Madrid, Vigo
The country’s pleasant climate, relaxed approach to life, and highly-maintained roads and motorways offer a wonderful opportunity to discover the land of Picasso, tapas and fine wine all at your own pace. While we have several places in Spain where you can pick up or drop off your rental, you may want to consider expanding your borders to our other locations near the Spanish border like Lisbon, Porto, or Pau.
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