We've heard your requests and we are happy to introduce tire damage coverage as an inclusive part of the vehicle assistance at no extra cost!*
Yes it can happen to anyone and usually at the most inopportune moment...the dreaded flat tire. Auto France and the Peugeot Open Europe program is now covering the cost of tire repair/replacement due to normal punctures that happen within reasonable driving conditions (please no drag racing). Just contact the Peugeot assistance number as outlined in the Practical Guidebook that comes with your Peugeot lease in the event that you need to make this arrangement.
A couple of important things to note if you will, regarding the reasonable driving and use of your brand new Peugeot. We have been providing what we think is a great alternative to traditional car rentals for 20+ years. A large part of this great service (we are told often) is the zero hassle full insurance coverage that comes with every Peugeot lease. In order to maintain a ZERO deductible policy on every lease we need to stress how important it is for you to care for your Peugeot as if it is your own. After all, it actually is your own.
We feel that over the years our relationship has developed into an open discussion and we always appreciate the feedback you have to offer for us. And so we are candidly pleading with you to take our request to heart in order for us to maintain the program as it has been since its inception in order to avoid changes in our insurance policies or fees. Please take a moment to look at a few requests we have below...
1.) At the conclusion of your lovely stay in Europe, please take some time to thoroughly clean your vehicle and bring it to a wash station. The local delivery agents are looking to charge us a "Deep Clean" fee for vehicles that are returned in poor condition. The vehicle needs to be prepared for the after sale market once your lease is complete therefore the less man-hours needed to maintain, the better.
2.) Please drive the vehicle lovingly as it is new and requires a break-in period which may include periodical maintenance/oil changing at various mileage intervals (see owners manual).
3.) If something doesn't seem right with the vehicle, it probably isn't (i.e. Service light is on). Please contact Assistance as soon as you notice something before it becomes an expensive issue or one that takes you away from your vacation time.
We know many of you take great care of your vehicles and for that we thank you. Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns!
*Please note; tire coverage is not a retroactive policy and therefore tire related issues that took place prior to receiving this email will not be covered or reimbursed. Coverage for tires begins May 29, 2014 and terms may change or the service may be eliminated entirely at the sole discretion of Auto France or Peugeot Open Europe relating to future contracts.
by: Matthew Volpe
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